Spring 2021: Education for a New Age

Permanent URI for this collectionhttps://hdl.handle.net/20.500.14026/266


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    Meeting 4: The Role of Secondary Education and the Principalâ s Art of Leadership
    (2021-03-11T00:00:00-08:00) MacMillan, Claudia; Cowan, Bainard
    Dr. Claudia MacMillan is Founding Director of the Louise and Donald Cowan Center for Education at the Dallas Institute for Humanities and Culture; she is editor of and contributor to What is a Teacher? Remembering the Soul of Education Through Classic Literature; and she has extensive experience in both high school classrooms and administrative offices as well as at the university level. She holds a Ph.D. in Literature from the University of Dallas and is an alumna of the 1989-1990 Summer Institutes for Teachers at the Dallas Institute. The readings for this meeting were all taken from Donald Cowan's Unbinding Prometheus. Preface (pp. vii-x) Introduction: Between Two Ages (pp. 1-18) Chapter 2: A Spectre Of The Past: Renouncing Faust (pp. 33-49) Chapter 3: The Perennial Future: Learning with Prospero (pp. 50-67) Dr. MacMillan also made reference to Chapters 1 and 4-6, which were assigned earlier in the series.
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    Meeting 3: The Transition of Society from a Myth of Fact to a Myth of Imagination
    (2021-02-25T00:00:00-08:00) Cowan, Bainard
    Dr. Cowan led a discussion about Donald Cowan's vision of a new age. In addition to the eponymous first chapter (pages 21-32) of Unbinding Prometheus, the attendees were asked to read a set of unpublished essays from the Archive's holdings: â The Post-Technological Age,â â The New Equality,â â The Promethean Technology,â â Myth as Transformation of Conflict,â "Science and Poetry"
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    Meeting 2: The Nature and Significance of Liberal Education
    (2021-02-11T00:00:00-08:00) Wilson, Jessica; Mumbach, Mary; Cowan, Bainard
    Dr. Jessica Hooten Wilson---the Louise Cowan Scholar-in-Residence at the University of Dallas, recipient of the 2019 Hiett Prize for the Humanities from the Dallas Institute of Humanities and Culture, and author of numerous books including Giving the Devil his Due: Flannery Oâ Connor and The Brothers Karamazov--joined us for our discussion of "The Nature and Significance of Liberal Education." Joining Dr. Bainard Cowan in response to Dr. Wilson's remarks was Dr. Mary Mumbach, Magdalen College, UD BA '70, IPS Ph.D. '77. The readings for this meeting were all taken from Donald Cowan's Unbinding Prometheus, pp. 71-103: "The Spirit of Liberal Learning" "The Three Moments of Learning" "Universal Liberal Education"
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    Seminar Announcement
    (2021-01-01T00:00:00-08:00) Cowan, Bainard