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    King Fellow Address 2018
    (2018-01-16T00:00:00-08:00) Frank, William
    King Fellow Address given by William A. Frank titled "Truth: The End of our Work." Address was given on January 16, 2018.
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    2019 Program
    (University of Dallas, 2019-01-22T00:00:00-08:00)
    Program for the King Haggar Haggerty awards ceremony held on January 22, 2019.
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    2019 King Haggar Haggerty Ceremony - Final Script
    Full script of spoken parts for the 2019 King Haggar Haggerty awards ceremony held on January 22, 2019.
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    King Fellow Address 2019
    (2019-01-22T00:00:00-08:00) Kugelmann, Robert
    2019 King Fellow Address given by Robert Kugelmann titled "Past and Future at the University of Dallas" The Roadrunner, the Snake and the Treasure." Speech given on January 22, 2019.
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    2020 Scholarly Accolades
    2020 Scholarly Accolades list of Faculty Intellectual Achievements that was presented at the 2021 King Haggar Haggerty Awards Ceremony. Schools included are: Neuhoff School of Ministry, Braniff Graduate College, Constantin College of Liberal Arts, and Gupta College of Business. Faculty listed are: Jodi Hunt, Marianne Siegmund, Irene R. Alexander, Daniel E. Burns, Bainard Cowan, William L. Cody, Scott Crider, Jonathan E. Dannatt, Richard J. Dougherty, Jacob I. Eidt, Chad Engelland, Thomas Esposito, O. Cist., Valeria Forte, William A. Frank, Elinor Gardner, O.P., Gilbert J. Garza, Kelly L. Gibson, Mark Goodwin, Peter Hatlie, Christina E. Ivers, Brittany K. Landrum, Tammy Leonard, Chris Mirus, Andrew D. Moran, Nefer Muñoz Solano, Cynthia Nielsen, Richard Olenick, Andrew Osborn, Joshua Parens, Marisa Pérez-Bernardo, Mark Petersen, Aida Ramos, Elizabeth Robinson, Gregory L. Roper, Jonathan J. Sanford, Kevin M. Saylor, Phillip A. Shore, Stephanie Swales, Inimary T. Toby, Joseph M. Van House, O. Cist., Matthew D. Walz, Gerard Wegemer, Michael G. West, Christopher Wolfe, Enoch Asare, Jennifer Bannister, Sri Beldona, Greg Bell, Sue Conger, Ali Dadpay, Blake Frank, Julia Fulmore, Jenny Gu, Cara W. Jacocks, Brett Landry, Richard Miller, Laura Muñoz, Renita Murimi, Judith Olson, Richard Peregoy, Michael Stodnick, Susan Rhame, Robert Walsh, J. Lee Whittington, snd Scott Wysong.
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    2021 Program
    (University of Dallas, 2021-01-19T00:00:00-08:00)
    2021 Program for the King Haggar Haggerty awards. Event held virtually on January 19, 2021 at 3:30 pm. Notable people mentioned include: President Thomas Hibbs, Jonathan J. Sanford, Thomas Jodziewicz, Brett Landry, Ruth May, David Sweet, Robert Hochberg, David Andrews, Cherie Hohertz, and Andrew Osborn.