Randall, Gayle L.2024-05-032024-05-032022-04https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.14026/2401Administrators and educators have been debating how to improve the student learning experience for decades. More recently, there has been widespread discussion on the effect of experiential learning in the classroom to help develop student comprehension. Current research emphasizes the link between the experiential learning process and student learning outcomes, with the premise that experiential learning is a holistic method that focuses on student engagement with respect to the student’s learning style. This study contributes to the community of experiential learning theory by examining its effect on multiple dimensions of engagement through business simulations in higher education, and the impact of each dimension on student performance and satisfaction. Results revealed a positive relationship between experiential learning and student satisfaction through the mediating influence of participation engagement, but were unable to confirm its relationship with all four dimensions of engagement. Further, analysis of the effect of experiential learning through simulation games in entry-level business courses suggested an improved learning experience through heightened performance. These findings are worthy as they could assist instructors in teaching methods that produce an enhanced educational experience resulting in more student engagement and satisfaction, as well as higher student performance.experiential learningsimulation gamesstudent engagementstudent performancestudent satisfactionhigher educationEnhancing the Learning Experience in Higher Education by Stimulating Student Engagement with Simulations